Are Golden Retrievers the most loving dogs?

Are Golden Retrievers the most loving dogs?

The adoration of golden retrievers is legendary, and it is easy to see why. These dogs are known for their amiable demeanor and willingness to share their affection with anyone. The paws of a golden retriever are often placed on the owners' legs as a sign of affection or politeness. While many other dogs may not be as friendly as a golden, they will prioritize you over other pets.
Although not the most loving dog breed, goldens do show love to their human companions. They are excellent listeners, and they know when you're upset. You can sit in front of your golden and talk to it for hours, as they're more empathetic than humans. They'll even let you talk to them about your problems for hours on end. This trait is important in a dog, as it will not tolerate constant talking about problems.
A golden can be as affectionate with strangers as it is with its owners. They'll take the time to get to know you, and they'll make it all worth it if you have time to spend with them. They are also great cuddlers and will snuggle with you. To care for a golden, you should have the time to show it affection and be willing to return it.